Easy peasy like lemon squeezy .. Although I never find squeezing lemon is easy at all ☺️ But trust me, this is super easy to make.
– 1 Cup solid vegetable shortening
– 4 Cups Pure Cane Confectioners’ Sugar
– 1 Tea Spoon Vanilla Flavoring
– 7-8 Tea Spoons Milk or Water
– 1 Pinch of Salt
– 1 Table Spoon of Wilton Meringue Powder (Optional for great consistency and taste ONLY)

In a Large bowl beat shortening, milk or water (6 tea spoon to start with and gradually add more) and Flavoring. You have to beat it with an electric beater. Once all mixed up nicely add all the dry ingredients and beat on medium speed a couple of minutes until all ingredients have thoroughly combined. Blend an additional minute or so to make it form into nice thick creamy consistency paste.
Just gather everything from sides with a spatula and keep it in a air tight container. Reason being it can get dry into chunks. Keep it in fridge until you want to use it.

Serving: This recipe will make about 2 1/2 cups of Butter cream Icing which is 600 grams.

Information: I bought this shortening from Whole Food so it is this organic brand and pretty expensive too.
You do not need to go organic or expensive simply get cisco Shortening from almost any supermarket. It works just as well as this organic one no difference though.
Options: I prefer using milk in my recipes so I use milk you can use water or milk your choice.
Guid: Wilton Meringue powder makes my icing a perfect taste same as you buy one from good brand and gives a really good working and handling consistency to work with immediately. You can also decorate your cake right away with this icing. Otherwise you have to keep your icing in fridge till it gets a little harder to work with after applying it on cake even.
But Again
You do not “must” need this meringue powder. You can make a perfect icing without it and your cake turns out to be delicious as much.
Tip: If you want to keep your icing nice and white you must need Wilton Flavoring because it is clear in color and do not change your icing into creamy brownish shade as all other vanilla flavoring comes in brown color. Enough to make your blue icing turn into a green icing if you use a general vanilla flavoring.

There are three types of Consistencies you need in your icing for decorating :-
Thick Consistency Check:
Put a spatula in the icing and try to tilt the jar if spatula do not move from its place it is considered as Thick consistency icing. It is used to make flowers. Such as 3D flowers upright petals like roses etc.
Medium Consistency Check:
Put a spatula in the icing and try to tilt the jar if spatula does move but stops in the middle from the corner it is considered as Medium consistency icing. It is used to do borders and general things like lining on cake putting star zigzag things etc. Such as all 2D things like rosettes, flat petal flowers etc.
Thin Consistency Check:
Put a spatula in the icing and try to tilt the jar if spatula does move from its place all the way to the side wall of jar it is considered as Thin consistency icing. It is used to ice the cake, printing, writing and drawing leaves. It is the best consistency to Ice the cake and start decorating it straight away.